International portfolio

Hotel operation and commercial experience, the perfect combination
Sercotel Hotel Group cuenta con un modelo de negocio único y flexible que se adapta a todas las casuísticas de un hotel, sin importar el tipo de segmento o destino (urbano o vacacional, principal o secundario).
El eje común de nuestro modelo nace de la identidad de la marca y imagen. Este concepto facilita al huésped la identificación de las características del hotel y le da seguridad en su compra. Esto conlleva poner a funcionar toda una estructura de ventas, revenue management, e-commerce y marketing que potencia los elementos comunes y resalta diferencias de nuestros hoteles, buscando el mejor resultado en los ingresos del hotel en todos sus canales de venta. Con respecto al modelo operativo, los hoteles de la cadena cuentan con dos soluciones para el reto de la gestión del hotel:
- Operación directa por parte del equipo de Sercotel Hotel Group, ya sea bajo fórmulas de gestión (hotel management) o de arrendamiento (lease-hold).
- La integración del hotel en el programa Quality System, que vela por implantar procesos y procedimientos adecuados para el hotel y que a su vez garantiza la formación del equipo del hotel para propiciar una oferta de cadena atractiva para el huésped.
Además, Sercotel Hotel Group pone a disposición el modelo de franquicia clásico de las marcas Choice Hotels, dirigido a hoteles con características concretas y orientación a la internacionalización de su propuesta, pero con el valor añadido de estar integrado en una cadena de fuerza comercial indiscutible en el ámbito regional de España y Latinoamérica.

Lean Management
“Lean Management” o gestión hotelera de precisión, fuerte modelo de servicio hotelero basado en altos estándares de calidad al menor coste posible. Eficiencia de costes a través de un sistema único en constante revisión de los procedimientos y procesos de gestión hotelera. Historial de éxito en la gestión y el arrendamiento con una larga lista de propietarios de hoteles e inversores satisfechos.
Orientación a la mejora de activos
Nuestro modelo supone un estricto compromiso de conservación y mejora de cualquier activo gracias a una cuidada gestión de las instalaciones, a través de nuestro equipo de facility management.
Trayectoria en el sector
Excelente reputación en el mercado español y latinoamericano gracias al prestigio accionarial y a las mejores prácticas de operación.
Salud financiera
Empresa orientada al beneficio con un perfil financiero y crediticio saludable gracias a nuestra esctructura accionarial.
Expertos hoteleros
Profundo conocimiento del servicio marca comercial y comercialización gracias a la amplia cartera de servicios de alta calidad de Sercotel Hotel Group y Choice Hotels.
1 Variabilización de costes operativos
Sercotel Hotel Group transforma parte de los costes fijos de F&B y habitaciones HR en costes variables para mejorar. Modelo de negocio resiliente, agilidad y flexibilidad en función de la ocupación. Eficiencia de costes, algunas actividades migran a las empresas que pueden optimizarlas mejor.
2 Procesos y procedimientos departamentales
Procedimientos departamentales enfocados en la practicidad, control y eficiencia. Presencia constante del Departamento de Operaciones en todos los hoteles. Conocimientos de gestión operativa, equipos especializados en todas las áreas. Agilidad en la toma de decisiones.
3 Control de costes
Control de eficiencia energética para asegurar un menor coste operativo.
Mayor ciclo de vida de las instalaciones. Menos necesidad de CAPEX.
Acuerdos corporativos de primer nivel en costes y servicios.
The result translates into high levels of customer satisfaction with efficient operational procedures.
Quality System
Quality unites us. The spirit identifies us
The Quality System program is an exclusive Sercotel Hotel Group service that completely differentiates the chain’s hotels from its competitors. The alignment of the quality levels to the reality of the hotel and to its market segment makes this program a tool of continuous improvement that protects profitability, promotes loyalty, and a singular and homogenous experience in the portfolio of company brands.
Quality for the Sercotel Hotel Group is transmitted in everything a hotel does, as well as its commercialization and distribution. Support for the implementation of best practices in this field is also part of the potential for growth and therefore a fundamental part of our program.
Optimized Areas and Processes
Reception and Booking | Customer Service and Booking Management |
Floors and Maintenance | Operations and Arrangement |
Food and Beverage | Purchasing, Processes and Service Assembly |
Commercialization | Preferential contracting and special conditions for distribution and revenue |
Management | Best practices and support in prices and channel management |
Management indicators | Training and quality control and online reputation |
Quality System – Program Services

The companies joined their strengths to develop a proposal of high added value and promote their joint development in Europe and Latin America. Under a Joint Venture on a long-term basis, the coalition intends to reinforce their positions through several business models in which the Sercotel Hotel Group offers:
1| Commercialization and distribution of the Sercotel Hotel Group Master franchise in Europe and Latin America
2| Business Model
A Perfect Combination of Two Leaders
The two companies complement each other very well in key business factors:
- Hotel and Destination Coverage
- Market Penetration
- Business Model
The coalition of both companies is the most balanced and competitive proposal of the market thanks to their complementary profile:
Sercotel Hotel Group, the local expert present in Spain and Latin America managing more than 30 hotels and commercializing a total portfolio of 153 establishments. Moreover, it has an extensive sales team geared to tackling the Spanish business community in all its regions.
Choice Hotels International has an international sales team distributed throughout the world, particularly in the EMEA region. It has a significant portfolio of customers among which the main corporations of Europe stand out. It, therefore, has a noteworthy capacity to direct sales. Moreover, the economy of scale and its advantage in negotiating guarantee the best conditions of the market in distribution and technology.
Areas involved in Sales
Nowadays we can say that “We are all sales” just as the internal slogan of the sales department says. That means that the whole organization concentrates on one sole objective: to sell a lot and sell well.

Organization, regions and segments
The Sercotel Hotel Group provides service to its brands through a team of more than 60 sales and marketing professionals in Spain and Latam. Moreover, through its commercial integration with Choice Hotels, it has more than 30 senior sales executives in various European countries through a regional multi-segment structure. This way, each hotel has a local team in its region and has the support of cross-selling throughout the sales network.
Contracting and managing commercial accounts
The activity of the sales team has been modernized, adapting to new contracting use and the most adequate sales techniques to enhance new business and analyze the best and most profitable opportunities for each hotel and period.
- Bill collection / Analysis of potential
- Chain level cross-selling
- Negotiation, renewal and contracting
- Channel Activation
- Review of results
- Visits / Meetings
- Follow-up of pending payments
- Campaigns – offers
Organization, regions and segments
Groups. The group area manages group requests for various segments in a centralized way:
- Tour Operation. We have specialists in contracting tourist groups, circuits, and series, among others.
- Sport teams. Only geared to the negotiation of agreements with sports clubs, associations, federations and agencies specialized in sporting events.
- Mice & Business Groups. A sales team specialized in groups, conventions, congresses and their OPCs, incentives, and events.
On-line distribution. It oversees sales analysis and optimization through customized contracting with OTAs and bed banks for each hotel.
Business Travel. Acquisition and loyalty of national as well as international key corporate accounts either directly or through TAs and BTCs.
Travel Industry. The traditional channel of travel agencies is one of the most consolidated in the Spanish and Latin American market. The Sercotel Hotel Group has an on-line reservation platform for agencies and connectivity solutions with the most significant vertical groups.
Acuerdos de cadena y contratos preferentes

Distribución y revenue management
En la actualidad la complejidad de distribuir de una forma efectiva y eficiente requiere de diversas disciplinas para alcanzar el cliente objetivo de un hotel y a su vez conseguir objetivos de ventas y rentabilidad. En Sercotel Hotel Group nuestros equipo de distribución, revenue management y análisis comercial (Business Intelligence) ofrecen soluciones a la amplia diversidad de alojamiento que se encuentran en nuestras marcas comerciales.
The role of distribution is critical to maximize sales and handle business expenses. The Sercotel Hotel Group team is dedicated to designing the global, regional, and specific distribution map of a hotel according to its characteristics and market segment. This entails a high level of customization in:
- Contracting
- Commercial conditions
- Account Management and follow-up
- Optimization Actions
The centralized product and connectivity team is an expert in distribution applications and platforms. It develops its activity providing service to all the hotels, guaranteeing an optimum configuration of channel managers, as well as CSR solutions, RPF management and presence in GDS and extranets.
- Load and activation
- Mapping and configuration of applications
- Connection and download
- Disparity Control
- Price management and multi-channel offer support
- Campaigns – Offers
Sercotel Hotel Group cuenta con un equipo de revenue management de alto nivel dedicado a la gestión directa del yield y pricing de sus hoteles. Asimismo, asesora activamente a todos los hoteles de la cadena cerrando el ciclo que se inicia con una correcta contratación y una configuración excelente.
En la actualidad, el equipo de revenue management cuenta con las herramientas más potentes del mercado al servicio del control de ventas y rentabilidad, como pueden ser compradores de precios, RMS, y soluciones de DataWareHouse y Business Intelligence administradas por un equipo técnico.
• Benchmarking, set competitivo del hotel y la plaza
• Fijación dinámica de precios públicos y grupos
• Creación de ofertas y control de demanda
• Secuencia de apertura y cierre de canales
• Análisis de desplazamiento de demanda
• Presupuestos ADR, RevPar, Ocupación
Producción, diseño y organización de eventos
En nuestro departamento de marketing contamos con un equipo de diseñadores y maquetadores especializados en la producción de materiales corporativos para todo tipo de eventos a los que asistimos. Desde el departamento organizamos, diseñamos y preparamos la puesta en marcha de los eventos junto a la producción de todos los materiales para garantizar el éxito de nuestra presencia.
En nuestro Plan de Acción anual se contempla la asistencia a diferentes ferias y eventos del sector. También, tras el acuerdo comercial con Choice y en colaboración con sus oficinas internacionales, especialmente las europeas ubicadas en Francia, Alemania, UK, Benelux e Italia, dispondremos de una red comercial amplia con quienes realizaremos diferentes acciones y participamos en diferentes eventos como workshops y/o ferias.
Desde el departamento asistimos a ferias y a acontecimientos de referencia del sector, junto al equipo para dar a conocer los servicios de la cadena y establecer una relación cercana entre los diferentes actores que intervienen en la decisión de compra.
Invertimos en un plan de publicidad para incrementar el conocimiento de la marca a nivel nacional. También se manejan patrocinios y colaboraciones con diferentes entidades que nos permitan incrementar el conocimiento de marca.
Our Brand
The marketing department designs and produces all the necessary material to guarantee a good presence of the brand in the chain’s hotels.
We generate brand impact through websites and other corporate elements to increase user and consumer level of recall.

Community Manager
We build and manage the communities around the Sercotel Hotel Group brand through good social communication in the main social networks.
Your hotel’s direct channel, the front door to the repeating guest
Direct on-line and telephone sales are the main opportunities for a hotel to enjoy recurrent business. The Sercotel Hotel Group and its brands offer everything necessary to design a winning strategy by using the most suitable technologies for each case, managing a specialized team in constant growth. Moreover, the opportunity to work in a network that offers the concept of a hotel chain materializes in direct digital channels through a combination of points of sale of the hotel (hotel website) and of the chain (Sercotel website web
Creation of quality content, review, and their update to position our websites in leading positions in search engines.
83% of the users that enter the Sercotel Hotel Group websites initially end up buying.
71% of the users that enter the Sercotel Hotel Group websites through a search engine such as Google end up making a reservation.
Punto de Fuga Institute. Study on the behavior and profile of the Sercotel client in the online purchasing process. Data extracted in July 2015.
Management of pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns and agreements with leading affiliates in the market to obtain greater website visibility, improve conversion rates, more website traffic, and guarantee our presence in various websites, blogs and other channels.
- Sercotel Hotel Group Corporate Website: We offer a website with all the information about the hotels, their images, many offers, and promotional packages. Moreover, you can make a reservation on the website thanks to our exclusive reservation engine that is always present.
- The hotel’s own website: We manage each hotel’s individual websites providing a structure and image in accordance to the typology of the hotel in addition to design, maintenance, positioning, translation, affiliation, and hosting solutions.
- In order to improve customer relations and loyalty, we send periodic Newsletters that are corporate as well as individualized by hotel or through cobranding.
We work with a new on-line reputation management tool through an exclusive agreement with TrustYou for the Sercotel Hotel Group.
Repetition, Retention and Cross-Selling:
A double opportunity for your hotel.
Las oportunidades que ofrece un cliente repetidor son un auténtico premio para aquellos que luchan por mantener su nivel de servicio y calidad, que sorprenden y cuidan a su huésped. En Sercotel Hotel Group disponemos de un plan de fidelización para todas nuestras marcas, Sercotel Rewards, para particulares y empresas que otorga beneficios directos en cada reserva diferenciando así el canal directo de la cadena. Además, sumamos a nuestra base de clientes la extensiva base de millones de compradores del programa más relevante del mercado internacional, Choice Privileges, que ahora pone a disposición de sus titulares los hoteles del grupo.

Sercotel Rewards
Loyalty program geared to companies and individuals with exclusive advantages In all the group’s Hotels.

Choice Privileges
For Hotels participating in the joint Sercotel Hotel Group and Choice HotelsTM sales programs.
The Sercotel Hotel Group believes in alliances. We believe in fellow travelers who, through their specialization in areas such as technology, sales, and analysis, make any hotel proposal successful. Counting on them with their best conditions and constant support makes our work possible and places value on our group’s management skills. Moreover, today, a single solution for each challenge does not exist. The vast diversity of business cases requires precise but creative combinations of market services. That is why our perspective is to always have the best allies for each of the goals that your hotel must attain.

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